Singleturn Absolute Encoders IN CHENNAI
We are leading supplier of Singleturn Absolute Encoders in Chennai. Get Singleturn Absolute Encoders at best price from Chennai. Offering you a complete choice of products which include series E36 CS Biss miniature solid shaft absolute Singleturn encoder, series E36 HS SSI miniature blind hollow shaft absolute Singleturn encoder, series E36 HS Biss miniature blind hollow shaft absolute Singleturn encoder, series E36 CS SSI miniature solid shaft absolute Singleturn encoder, series HS10 Ethercat Singleturn absolute blind hollow shaft encoder and series CS10 Ethercat Singleturn absolute solid shaft encoder. Single-turn encoders are ideal for applications measuring less than 360° of rotation such as measuring the pivot point of an angle or measuring partial rotations of a shaft.

Our Products
Serie E36 CS BiSS Miniature Solid Shaft Absolute Singleturn Encoder
Serie E36 HS SSI Miniature Blind Hollow Shaft Absolute Singleturn Encoder
Serie E36 HS BiSS Miniature Blind Hollow Shaft Absolute Singleturn Encoder
Serie E36 CS SSI Miniature Solid Shaft Absolute Singleturn Encoder
Serie HS10 Ethercat Singleturn Absolute Blind Hollow Shaft Encoder
Serie CS10 EtherCat Singleturn Absolute Solid Shaft Encoder
Serie HS10 EtherNet Singleturn Absolute Blind Hollow Shaft Encoder
Serie CS10 EtherNet Singleturn Absolute Solid Shaft Encoder
Serie HS10 Devicenet Singleturn Absolute Blind Hollow Shaft Encoder
Serie CS10 DeviceNet Singleturn Absolute Solid Shaft Encoder
Serie HS10 CANOpen Singleturn Absolute Blind Hollow Shaft Encoder
Serie CS10 CANOpen Singleturn Absolute Solid Shaft Encoder
Serie CS10 Profibus Singleturn Absolute Solid Shaft Encoder